Tennessee Department of Health Updates COVID Numbers, Adds Thousands of Additional Deaths


Officials within the Tennessee Department of Health (TDH) on Wednesday reconciled positive coronavirus cases and deaths throughout the state.

After the updated numbers, the department revealed the total number of deaths related to the virus from Spring 2020 to December 2021 is 20,644 individuals.

The updated numbers revealed approximately 2,700 more deaths than initially reported.

“Year-end data reconciliation is an important step to ensure the public has an accurate view of how COVID-19 has affected our state this year and also identify areas where the department can improve services,” said Tennessee Department of Health Commissioner Lisa Piercey. “Data reporting for COVID-19 is unique, as it is the only infectious disease where real-time progression is tracked from positive test to death, compared to typical monthly or annual reports.”

According to Commissioner Lisa Piercey, the updated numbers and review should instill trust in the department, as the process to report deaths is often complex.

“This enhanced review is a valuable process, and I’ve encouraged my colleagues in other states to do the same,” explained Piercey. “Trust in public health data is key to our response and data accuracy is a top priority for TDH.”

In addition to the number of deaths, the state agency detailed that 5,394,058 tests were processed, 762,964 positive cases confirmed, and 8,280,246 vaccine doses administered.

“COVID-19 death certificate processing is complex, and the department is committed to continuously improving information flow,” added Piercey. “As we continue to analyze Tennessee death data, we have seen a year-over-year increase in COVID deaths occurring at home. This is a trend we will further examine and assess how the department can respond.”

The release from TDH also announced that coronavirus death numbers will be updated on weekly basis at the beginning of 2022, a shift from the routine day-to-day numbers.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].



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10 Thoughts to “Tennessee Department of Health Updates COVID Numbers, Adds Thousands of Additional Deaths”

  1. Tennessee Pride

    More lies.

  2. Ted

    John and 83 are on to something.

  3. LB

    Why would the Tennessee Star put this article out there? Has the TN Star changed hands? Most conservatives that do their homework realize The Dept of Health is a liberal stronghold that supports the Biden agenda.

  4. Aries9899

    AS far as I’m concerned there has been no science with Covid testing. All of a sudden they can test for the Comicron variant vs the Delta variant vs covid 19? uhuh and the original testing was able to detect covid amongst people who had zero symptoms? Don’t believe any of this b.s.. Fauci the Fraud with the CDC/HIH/ NIAID are nothing more than grifters. The healthcare community showed their white cowardice in succumbing to the CDC and not treating patients but treating their pharma masters. Look at the farce happening at Vanderbilt. Vanderbilt is nothing more than a whore for Pfizer/Moderna.

  5. Roger

    The fact that a higher reimbursement rate from the government is paid for treating Covid, then none Covid related treatment, I’m more then sure adds to the numbers.

  6. 83ragtop50

    The key phrase in this article comes from Commissioner Piercey –
    “the total number of deaths related to the virus”

    Note carefully that she does not claim that COVID was the cause of death just that it was “related” to those passing. I take this to mean that if the actual cause of death for an individual was something else such as a heart attack, but that person tested positive for COVID then they are included in this count.

    I do not trust anything reported by any government agency when it comes to COVID.

  7. Mimi Mayes

    I don’t believe any numbers from any government department sbout Covid. Sorry.

  8. Molly

    I d.n trust Lee or Piercey w.any public info re WhuFlu. Just bc someone had +test d.n mean it killed them. How many death certs claim c-19 whn ppl had terminal illness, gun shot, or vehicle accident. Just so medical centers could claim thousands $$$ from federal/state public funds.Always follow the MONEY. How many more bureaucrats are in new local, state & federal govt positions. Govt-Pharma-Medical=$$$

  9. John

    I don’t trust numbers coming out of the Tennessee Department of Woke Health. How many of these are actual deaths vs ‘covid related’ deaths. i.e. someone who died from a heart attack but also had covid?

    “According to Commissioner Lisa Piercey, the updated numbers and review should instill trust in the department, as the process to report deaths is often complex.”

    Funny how no matter what level of government there is, they always seem to make things more difficult than what they should be.

  10. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    Has anyone considered that the testing has been flawed from the get go? My sneakers would test positive for COVID 19.
